My name is Jonas Plesner Grøn-Iversen I am 31 year old and I live in Denmark. I was born in Gentofte Hospital and then I moved in with my parents in a house in Hvidovre and then I lived there for 10 years of my life. Then the next 10 years of my live I lived in another house and then I moved from my parents to an apartment in Copenhagen where I have lived since and still live today.

I have an Electronics technician education from Brüel & Kjær Sound and vibration A/S.

I have an education as AP Graduate in Service Engineering Electrician from Københavns Erhvervsakademi which is Academy of Professional Higher Education Electrician and I have an Authorization Certificate.

I have an education in Sales Psychology and Basic Sales from Københavns Erhvervsakademi which is Academy of Professional Higher Education.

I have a certificate from Garuda A/S in how to make a test on people so I can see which type the person is so I can match people for a specific purpose. It is used for improving sales and recruiting the right people to a company.

I have taken a course from Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher from Proctor Gallagher Institute called Thinking Into Results together with my Danish Coaches Kasper Bering and Jeppe Søgaard.

I have been Disc Jockey since 2004 and have played to more than 500 events.

I built my first computer in 2000 when I was 13 years old.

I built websites, makes marketing and selling.

I have participated in a lot of networking clubs and I have taken a lot of courses both online and physical.

Branded people I know:

JT Foxx

Tom Hougaard

Linnéa Kempe