What is Trading?
Trading is when you buy and sell stocks, currencies or forex, indexes, commodities, cryptocurrencies but without having it physically.
If you want to trade you need a broker and I will mention some I use when I trade.
Your job as a trader is to speculate about the price will go up or go down.
If you think it will rise you will choose to buy and it means you go long because the market is strong also named a bull market and you put a position you want to buy for pr. point or pips and then you will earn the amount every time the price rise a point or a pip. If the market fall instead you will lose the amount your position times the points or pips the price is falled.
If you think it will fall you will choose to sell and it means that you go short because the market is weak also named a bear market and then you put a position to sell for pr. point or pips and then you will earn the amount every time the price fall a point or a pip. If the market rise instead you will lose the amount your position times the points or pips the price is rised.
There is a lot of tools you can use when you are trading for example a stoploss which will close your trade if the market goes against you. Then there are indicators you can use to see if the market is uptrending or downtrending and overbought and oversold.
I will mention some as undercatergories here on the site.
To begin trading you can sign up for a broker that I use here.